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张文杰 Angie Zhang

张文杰 (Angie Zhang)

IDP南京  英国资深咨询顾问  英国、中国香港、荷兰和新加坡研究生申请,英国本科录取,专申本与硕,国内本科转学。


Business Analytics商业分析专业介绍

专栏 2021-02-23 15:16:46



  以英国的G5(QS世界排名前10)大学——UCL伦敦大学学院的Business Analytics MSc为例,进行相关介绍如下:


  1)、Compulsory modules必修课

  ·         Business Strategy and Analytics商业策略与分析

  ·         Marketing Analytics市场营销分析

  ·         Statistical Foundations for Business Analytics商业分析的统计基础

  ·         Programming for Business Analytics商业分析的编程

  ·         Predictive Analytics可预测的分析

  ·         Operations Analytics运营分析

  2)、Optional modules选修课

  Students take two optional modules from the following list of optional modules offered by the UCL School of Management.

  ·         Data Engineering

  ·         Data Visualisation

  ·         Decision and Risk Analysis

  ·         Natural Language Processing

  ·         Network Analysis

  ·         Machine Learning for Business

  ·         Machine Learning for Domain Specialists

  The optional modules listed are subject to change each year and are indicative only. Optional modules can change for a variety of reasons including but not limited to updated learning outcomes, lack of demand and resourcing. For questions about optional modules, please contact us at: mgmt-ba@ucl.ac.uk


  All students undertake an independent research project which culminates in a dissertation of 12.000 words.

  2、适合申请的对象Who can apply?

  This is a postgraduate management degree programme designed for graduates with strong quantitative skills有很强的定量能力. We are looking for intellectually curious, self-motivated students who are passionate about business, technology and people, and who are prepared to commit to a rigorous and intellectually demanding academic programme.


  Graduates from this new programme will be likely to find employment in global companies and high-growth businesses, finance and banking organisations, and consulting firms.全球大公司,高速发展商务公司,金融与银行机构与咨询公司


  Students will develop strong quantitative and analytical skills, an in-depth understanding of how companies use data to make decisions and improve business performance, and practical experience with leading business analytics tools.

  They will be equipped to influence strategy and decision-making, and be able to drive business performance by transforming data into a powerful and predictive strategic asset.


